Online ISSN : 2424-3000
セッションID: C109
C109 自己復元機構を有する倒立振子型移動ロボットにおける傾斜路走行(車両システム)
加藤 雅大奥川 雅之小林 義光椋木 新
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Safety and reliability is important for the design of the service robot in the symbiosis space. This study addresses the two wheeled inverted pendulum type mobile robot with self-righting mechanism in order to adopt a mobile unit of a tour guide robot. Some problems of the self-righting mechanism were clearly existed from the results of some conventional study. The problems were a lack of a stalling torque and an attitude angle leaned backward when moving a slope or a step. The center of gravity movement mechanism using an air cylinder system was adopted in order to solve these problems in this paper. The experimental results indicated that the adjustment of the center of gravity position can be achieved adaptively for the attitude angle of the robot, and the effectiveness of the proposed mechanism for the attitude control of inverted pendulum type mobile robot with self-righting mechanism.

© 2011 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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