Online ISSN : 2424-3000
セッションID: A25
A25 可変減衰ダンパを用いた月惑星着陸船の着陸脚の提案と実験的検討(M-OS13-5 探査システムおよび着陸ダイナミクス,M-OS13 宇宙機・宇宙ロボットのダイナミクスと制御,「海を越え,国を越え,世代を超えて!」)
前田 孝雄大槻 真嗣橋本 樹明
会議録・要旨集 フリー


The development of highly accurate landing technology is required for the next generation lunar-planetary exploration lander to touch down on rough but interesting area. For the safe landing, the development of landing leg is required to prevent overturning and reduce landing impact of the lander in the final phase of landing sequence. However, it is difficult to design a landing leg which is applicable to a wide variety of terrain. The active landing leg is proposed as a solution of solving this problem. This paper presents the simulation of the lander with active landing leg and development of experimental system using Magneto-Rheological damper, and examines the landing shock response and penetration of the lander leg to the sand terrain.

© 2013 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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