Online ISSN : 2424-3000
セッションID: B15
B15 力覚提示を用いた視覚障害者に対するマルチウィンドウ方式GUIの操作補助(M-OS17-1:触覚フィードバック,M-OS17 触覚フィードバック,「海を越え,国を越え,世代を超えて!」)
多門 良高崎 正也水野 毅Hannes BLEULER
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Recently, computer is the necessary device for our lives. People use their own computer for information-gathering everyday. Additionally, small computer like smartphone or tablet computer become popular devices. However, it is difficult for visually-impaired persons to operate the computer because recent computer operating systems use graphical user interface (GUI). To solve the problem for visually-impaired persons, various assist devices for them have been developed. Some of them use haptic technology. Previously, we have proposed a haptic device as an aid for GUI operation for visually-impaired persons. Novint Falcon is used as a low-cost haptic device. The computer desktop GUI is represented as a virtual work-space. A graphic window is rendered as the front surface of a solid box in VR. Touching this virtual surface of the box with the haptic input device, the user can feel the entire window. Using this system, multiple-window GUI can be operated by visually-impaired persons. Discrimination experiments with such windows are reported.

© 2013 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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