Online ISSN : 2424-3000
セッションID: A104
A104 月惑星着陸船の運動解析と脚減衰力制御による転倒防止法(OS2 宇宙機・宇宙ロボットのダイナミクスと制御1)
前田 孝雄大槻 真嗣橋本 樹明
会議録・要旨集 フリー


This paper describes the control method of the semi-active controlled landing gear system for the lunar and planetary lander. The purpose of this paper is to achieve touchdown on uneven terrain without overturning. Damping force control on each landing gear suppress attitude disturbance of lander main body and prevent from its overturning. The control rule of the landing gear damping coefficient of each landing gear for the three-dimensional lander model is shown and it validated in the three-dimensional numerical simulation model. Touchdown simulation executed on rough terrain which reproduced natural terrestrial surface. Especially, touchdown on the incline and touchdown with a lateral residual velocity are tested. The result of simulation indicates that the proposed control rule for the semi-active landing gear is effective to prevent overturning.

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