Online ISSN : 2424-3019
121 電気抵抗変化を用いた損傷同定逆問題への応答曲面法の適用(ニューラルネットワークとの比較)
轟 章
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 217-222


The present study employs and electric resistance change method for identifications of delamination cracks. For the method, appropriate number of electrodes to identify delaminations is investigated, and the diagnostic tool for the inverse problems to identify the delamination crack location and size from the electric resistance changes is discussed. FEM analyses are conducted to obtain electric resistance changes due to delamination crack creations with three-electrode, four-electrode and five-electrode type specimens. Using the artificial neural networks (ANNs), the required number of electrodes for identifications of delamination cracks location and size from the electric resistance changes is investigated. By comparisons of the estimations with the ANNs and with the response surfaces (RS), a better diagnostic tool is discussed in detail. As a result, the five-electrode type specimen is shown to be better for the identifications, and the RS using quadratic polynomials is a better tool than ANNs for identifications of delamination crack location and size using electric resistance change.

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