Online ISSN : 2424-3019
セッションID: 116
116 幾何学的再初期化を用いたレベルセット法に基づく形状最適化
山崎 慎太郎西脇 眞二泉井 一浩吉村 允孝
会議録・要旨集 フリー


This paper proposes a shape optimization method for obtaining mechanical structures that maximize structural stiffness, based on the level set method. First, the basic details of a shape optimization method using the level set method are briefly explained, and an optimization problem that addresses the minimum mean compliance problem is formulated. Next, an optimization algorithm is constructed based on this formulation. In this optimization scheme, a new geometrical re-initialization method is proposed, in which a level set function is re-initialized, based on a zero level set surface. This geometrical re-initialization method can easily deal with level set function singularities, and can be applied to non-structural meshes. A second new method is also proposed in which the level set function is modified to satisfy a volume constraint while preserving topology of the structure being optimized. By using these two new methods, shape optimization problems can be solved using the finite element method rather than the finite difference method. Finally, several examples are provided to confirm the usefulness of the proposed shape optimization method.

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