Online ISSN : 2424-3019
セッションID: 113
113 エンジンマウントの最適配置法 : 車体自由度を考慮する場合
神谷 恵輔柳野 秀郎松本 敏郎
会議録・要旨集 フリー


When a vibration source such as engines and motors is attached to a structure such as a body, rubber mounts are widely used to insulate the vibration. Stiffness and layout of the mounts are major factors which determine the performance of the vibration insulation. Thus many studies on optimum design of rubber mounts have been reported. Most of them, however, optimize their stiffness and position for a given number of mounts. In a previous report the authors presented an optimization method of rubber mount layout which determines the optimal number of mounts as well as their stiffness and position. In this report the method is applied to optimization of engine mount layout for an automobile. Here dynamics of the automobile is considered in the optimization. Validity of the presented method is confirmed by a numerical example.

© 2006 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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