動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム
Online ISSN : 2424-2950
セッションID: D113
D113 音波を用いた熱輸送デバイスに関する基礎的研究(OS8 外熱機関・廃熱利用技術(1))
芦垣 祐太朗長谷川 真也高橋 俊押野谷 康雄
会議録・要旨集 フリー


The "dream pipe" is the name of a heat transport device that was first proposed by Kruzweg and Zhao. Their dream pipe has hot and cold liquid-reservoirs connected by a capillary bundle. If the liquid columns in the bundle reciprocate with a tidal-displacement amplitude smaller than the bundle length, the heat flow rate from the hot to cold reservoir increases remarkably depending on the amplitude and frequency of the oscillatory liquid flow. In previous studies of dream pipes, liquid working fluids were used, but their operating temperature ranges were limited in the liquid state, and one cannot apply a higher operating frequency until around 10 Hz. We propose overcoming this disadvantage using a gas working fluid. In this paper, we choose air as a working fluid, and study experimentally whether the same high heat transport process is present as for liquids.

© 2014 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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