Online ISSN : 2424-3124
セッションID: 2A1-A10
2A1-A10 手術支援のための超音波プローブ保持ロボットの開発 : プローブ押し当て力の計測とその最適力の決定
尾西 晃典大浦 光宏小林 洋岡本 淳藤江 正克
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Ultrasonic diagnostic equipments are widely used for the medical examination. However, it is difficult for the doctor to obtain a comprehensible image while pressing the ultrasonic probe. An ultrasonographic image is taken by pressing the probe. And the image recognition is related to a contrast. Therefore, a contact force relates the image contrast. As a prototype, we developed an ultrasonic probe positioning robot. Consequently, this robot is made to measure the relation between the contact force and the image contrast. The experiment investigated the relation between the contact force and the image contrast, and controlled contact force by the image contrast. The result shows that the image contrast controls the contact force and if an error of contrast exists, the contact force is controlled the constant value at the point of the saturated image contrast.

© 2006 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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