Online ISSN : 2424-3124
セッションID: 2A1-B16
2A1-B16 マイクロ波駆動農用電気車両の走行制御および送受電アンテナの方向制御に関する研究
宮坂 寿郎渡部 雅俊大土井 克明中嶋 洋笈田 昭松本 紘橋本 弘蔵篠原 真毅三谷 友彦
会議録・要旨集 フリー


A model microwave-driven vehicle for agriculture was designed and tested in an anechoic chamber. Two cameras with an image processing PC were used to detect the position of the running vehicle. A parabolic antenna and a magnetron were installed on a turntable. The rotation angle of the turntable and the angle of depression of the parabolic antenna were controlled by the PC using the vehicle position information to turn the antenna to the vehicle. The model vehicle was controlled by the PC through RS-232C cable. This vehicle was equipped with receiving antennae (rectennae) which can turn to the transmitting antenna. This turning is also controlled by the information from the PC and from an inner gyro sensor. The . transmitting system was able to detect the vehicle position and could turn to the running vehicle in a straight line. The receiving rectennae also turned to the transmitting antenna during running.

© 2006 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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