Online ISSN : 2424-3124
セッションID: 1A1-H18
1A1-H18 水晶振動子を用いた超小型力センサの特性評価(触覚と力覚)
朝倉 歩福田 敏男新井 史人
会議録・要旨集 フリー


The force sensor with AT-cut quartz crystal resonator has the characteristic that the resonant frequency changes by the external force, which achieves high sensitivity, high-speed response, and wide measurement range by a simple structure. Also it has the superior feature in the temperature and frequency stability. On the other hand, the quartz crystal resonator had been hardly applied to a dynamic force measurement because of low degree of mechanical characteristic, that is, it is weak to the impact, the bend, and tension. The objective of this study is to construct the sensor mechanism that safely maintains the quartz crystal resonator for the external force with flat structure. We designed and analyzed a novel retention mechanism of the quartz crystal resonator for the flat structure. The proposed force sensor is, small, sensitive, and robust from force in lateral direction, and it has wide measurement rage of 10^4. It can be applied to several usages such as medical treatment and dynamic contact force detection of human.

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