Online ISSN : 2424-3124
セッションID: 1A1-I15
1A1-I15 運転時ハンドル操作行動による自動車運転逸脱性検出に関する研究(感覚・運動・計測)
山下 萩人今村 孝Mohd Rizal Bin OTHMAN章 忠三宅 哲夫
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Deviance behaviors of driving from daily driving behaviors are one of factor of the traffic accident. Therefore, it will be possible to realize a safe-driving support by using a technique for judgment and classification of driving behavior considering with deviance.In this research, the methodology for the judgment and classification of deviant behavior has been proposed based on a definition for the daily behavior from driving behavior of driving. In this research, the statistical analysis for experimental data with subject drivers has been conducted. Especially, analysis for the similarity of driving trajectory at the turn left in an intersection has also conducted using correlation between driving behaviors. Moreover, to evaluate the validity of proposed analysis method, same analyses for the driving with time constrain which makes a stress for driving has examined. Finally, effectiveness of propose analysis for the turn left motion which focus on a compatibility using correlation analysis have been confirmed.

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