Online ISSN : 2424-3124
セッションID: 1A2-J11
1A2-J11 危険建物内のレスキュー活動を支援する投擲式吸着体の開発(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス)
渕上 和峻ワタリ エイリ塚越 秀行北川 能
会議録・要旨集 フリー


This research consists of the development of a casting-type adhesive object to aid rescue operations inside dangerous buildings. In past research, an inspecting method called fluid ropeway is proposed. In order to move the inspector smoothly, it is necessary to fix the tube in a high position. Inspired in an octopus sucker, this adhesive object absorbs easily to the wall or ceiling by sticking, and a stable adhesive force is produced through application of negative pressure in the sealed space by the object. This composed of sticky elastomer in its outer surface, and in the inside there are small cylinders in order to create a negative pressure by suction of air and internal volume expansion. The experiments show the effectiveness of adhesion to the wall or ceiling using the casting device and also of inspection using fluid ropeway.

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