Online ISSN : 2424-3124
セッションID: 2P2-E06
2P2-E06 自助・介助用可搬型小型昇降機(座布団型昇降機)の開発(福祉ロボティクス・メカトロニクス(2))
市川 純章
会議録・要旨集 フリー


The lift assistance system is aimed at daily life of persons who are challenged with their legs. The system needs to satisfy the following requirements; riding easily, carrying easily. The innovative technology to satisfy the requirements is roll-extending mechanism, a machine element. This paper shows a test production of an innovative compact lift assistance system with the roll-extending mechanism. Two examinations are carried out. One is about comfort level by person who rides on the lift system. Several mock-ups with respect to seat size and reached height are arranged. The persons evaluate their feeling by riding on the mock-ups. The other is about mechanical stability of the lift system. It is evaluated with level of falling over force by lateral force against the gravity force. It was found that the comfort level much relies on the mechanical stability in most situations. But, the comfort level had exponentially decreased for the mechanical stability in case of taller mock-ups.

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