Online ISSN : 2424-3124
セッションID: 1A2-O09
1A2-O09 意識障害のある寝たきり高齢者の睡眠 : 24時間脳波測定を行った一例(看護とメカトロニクス)
松本 勝根本 鉄須釜 淳子栗田 俊治
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Our objective was to clarify the sleep states of bedridden elderly patients with disturbances of consciousness. We studied a bedridden elderly in patient with disturbances of consciousness for 24 hours in March 2010. We recorded the electroencephalograms, electro-oculograms, and electromyograms of the study subject. We classified the electrograms thus obtained into sleep stages according to international standards and identified various sleep variables and the patients' sleep structures. A patient showed very high values for sleep efficiency (SE), 97.8%. The number of awakenings was 36, the percentage of SWS was 1.0%, and the percentage of REM sleep was 8.5%. It is inappropriate to use SE and SWS as indicators of good sleep quality in such patients. To improve their sleep quality, further study is needed to determine better indicators of good sleep and to investigate respiratory conditions as a potential factor in sleep quality in this subgroup.

© 2012 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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