Online ISSN : 2424-3124
セッションID: 1A1-R14
1A1-R14 i-MarioNET : Telexistence FSTを用いた遠隔操縦型ヒューマノイドロボットシステム(極限作業ロボット)
根岸 健多伊藤 直樹並木 明夫田中 徹上田 明寿村上 慶典池田 真也和田 貴志守本 悌三藤森 秀雄舘 [ススム]
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In the paper, a new master-slave manipulation system is proposed. The system consists of a master system called Telexistence-FST and a slave humanoid robot. The master system measures the pose of an operator by Flexible Sensor Tube (FST) which consists of many bending joints and rotational joints. The weight of the system is light and its movable area is large. The structure of the slave robot is similar to the upper half of a human body. It has two 7-axis arms and two multi-fingered hands. The master and the slave are connected via wireless communication, and the slave robot is stand-alone. In addition, we propose a calibration method for improving maneuverability of Telexistence-FST. Finally, experimental results are shown, and the validity of the proposed system is verified.

© 2013 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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