Online ISSN : 2424-3124
2A1-P25 空気抵抗を考慮したエコランカーボディの設計 : バイオミメティクスを応用したボディ形状の検討(エコメカトロニクス)
姫野 倫明河野 太輔武村 泰範
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. _2A1-P25_1-_2A1-P25_3


Recently, an electric car is the focus of attention, with concerns about the environment. However, These electric cars have problems with cruising range, infrastructure building and so on. Especially, in country side, it is very difficult to develop the infrastructure for electric cars. Then, our design concept decide to make energy in simple batteries which is sold in supermarket and so on. And, our car designed only a few small batteries (unit 3 type: 6 batteries). However, if this small car are used by general, it need high level efficient for energy. In this research, we aim to reduce the resistance for eco-car. Therefore, at first, we designed the electric car body to reduce air resistance. In this paper, we modeling eco-car body simulant migrant for efficiency improvement of Eco run car. We report the result of wind tunnel experiment.

© 2013 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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