Online ISSN : 2424-3124
セッションID: 2A2-Q03
2A2-Q03 Move-it:付箋紙に動きを与えるクリップ(ホーム&オフィスロボット)
安 謙太郎Kathrin Probst杉本 麻樹Michael Haller稲見 昌彦
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Move-it is active paperclip system that transforms traditional paper into an active digital medium by adding content recognition and automated actuation. Each paperclip consists of a polyester plate and shape memory alloy (SMA) as an actuator, and photo-reflectors as sensors that recognize the ID each sheet of paper has. Every stroke can be tracked by Anoto pen and addressed to a unique page because each sheet of paper has a unique dot pattern for the capturing. The pen transmits the recorded strokes to the system, which then converts the strokes to digital text and classifies them. Whenever a paperclip is activated by the system, the SMA shrinks and provides us with real-time feedback through active physical deformation of the paper. Our goal is to transform paper from a static medium into an active physical tool that provides real-time feedback for temporary storage, communication, and reminding.

© 2013 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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