Online ISSN : 2424-3124
セッションID: 2P1-O08
2P1-O08 平面3 自由度ロボットの環境に作用する負荷を考慮した仕事制御とパワー制御(【機械力学・計測制御部門】ロボットシステムのダイナミクス&デザイン)
佐々木 将太山崎 容次郎積際 徹横川 隆一
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In recent years, high safety and high operability are needed for the robot working with people. This paper describes a method for switching control modes. First, we propose a method of work control to maintain a constant amount of work performed by the robot to an object in two dimensions. Next, a method for switching control modes which chose one control out of three control modes, namely, position control, force control and work control, is shown. The validity of these control methods is shown through the contact experiment to a wall as well. Furthermore, the power control keeping work per unit time constant in viscous environments is proposed as a new control method. Finally, the validity of the power control is shown through the experiment in which are stirred the water and flour in a ball.

© 2013 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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