Online ISSN : 2424-3124
セッションID: 2A1-F08
2A1-F08 LRFを用いた人追従時の移動軌跡の記録と軌道追従に関する基礎的検討(インフォマティブ・モーションとモーション・メディア-ロボットの身体性と運動-)
坂井 奎亮廣井 富伊藤 彰則
会議録・要旨集 フリー


The purpose of this study is to develop a method to record the trajectory of the walking path of a person using a laser range finder, and to move a robot along the recorded trajectory. To record the trajectory of the person, we first smoothed the trajectory because the precise trajectory of walking human is oscillative. Then, we reduced the number of points to be recorded. Finally, we created a path by connecting the recorded points when the robot moves along the recorded trajectory. We propose a method to smooth the trajectory with the exponential smoothing, reduce the trajectory points using the typical step length of an adult male, and connect the points with straight line. Then, we controlled the robot to move along the recorded path. We verified the effectiveness of the proposed method by an experiment to move along an S-shaped path.

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