Online ISSN : 2424-3124
セッションID: 3A1-B01
3A1-B01 深部狭所での操作を対象とした脳神経外科手術用多自由度ロボット鉗子の開発(医療ロボティクス・メカトロニクス(1))
大久保 拓郎原田 香奈子藤井 雅弘田中 真一石丸 哲也中冨 浩文楚良 繁雄森田 明夫杉田 直彦光石 衛
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Neurosurgical procedures require the dexterous manipulation of a surgical suture in a narrow and deep space in the brain to perform surgical tasks such as an anastomosis of micro blood vessels and dura mater suturing. A multi-DOF robotic forceps has been developed to perform such difficult surgical tasks with robotic aid. The diameter of the developed robotic forceps is 3.5 mm, and the tip has three degrees of freedom (DOFs), namely, bending, rotation and grip. In particular, the intersecting axes of the bending and rotation DOFs were designed for facilitating the needle placement in a narrow and deep space. Experiments were performed to evaluate the needle insertion force, and the result showed that the robotic forceps had a needle insertion force of 1.7 N on average. The needle insertion force needs to be further increased for practical applications.

© 2014 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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