Online ISSN : 2424-3191
ISSN-L : 0918-9238
セッションID: C02
C02 親子分離衛星「STARS-C」の構造設計と姿勢ダイナミクス(小型衛星)
熊王 丈瑠能見 公博山極 芳樹
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Including the development of the International Space Station, space development, such as launch its own satellite in each country it is developed. Among them, ultra-small satellite than artificial satellite ever be developed and manufactured at low cost and short period of time, observations and satellite - is attracting attention as a method of a new space development by possible communication between the grounding. By space development has become familiar, in the universities and technical colleges began to research and development of ultra-small satellites are actively carried out. This time, Nohmi laboratory at the University, a member consisting Yamagiwa laboratory, to develop the ultra-small satellite "STARS-C" project was started. This project was selected in chance of being released from the Japanese Experiment Module "Kibo" of the International Space Station that Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has been public offering. Stars-C to be launched this time, is composed of two satellites (2U) ultra-small satellite of each 10cm class. The mechanism, after release, two satellites which are coupled to separate between the universe, the mounted tether simultaneously to 100m extended to control the attitude. It should be noted that with such a mechanism, contained the device to the 10cm class, and it is very difficult to assemble. Or more than, I development of the above mechanism, the device rests housing of the design, and performed the evaluation. Also, we have to simulate the behavior of the universe in consideration of the attitude control of the satellite.

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