シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集
Online ISSN : 2432-9509
セッションID: 208
208 3D-CGに基づく競泳用水着を着用したスイマーの筋骨格解析(筋骨格モデルの応用)
中島 求長谷川 貴大松田 昭博島名 孝次
会議録・要旨集 フリー


The objective of this study was to develop the method of musculoskeletal simulation for a swimmer attaching a competitive swimwear. For the simulation, the body geometry and joint motion were put into the swimming human simulation model SWUM in order to calculate the distributed fluid forces acting on the whole swimmer's body. The distributed fluid forces were put into the musculoskeletal model. In addition to the fluid forces, the forces induced by the tension of the swimwear were also considered. The distribution of the forces acting on the swimmer was calculated from the stress distribution of the swimwear. Since the swimwear targeted in the present study was a half spat type, the forces by the swimwear acted on three segments; the right and left thighs, and the pelvis. Therefore, the ratio of one distributed force to these three segments had to be determined. In order to determine this ratio, the deformation of the swimwear measured in an experiment was used. As an example, the simulation for the crawl stroke was conducted. The results showed the time-varying effect of the swimwear on the muscle activity during swimming.

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