Online ISSN : 2433-1309
セッションID: B40
B40 京弓を用いた弓引き動作中の筋活動と弓の変形特性(移動・弓)
秀熊 佑哉芳田 哲也大西 明宏白土 男女幸久米 雅仲井 朝美柴田 勘十郎
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Kyoto bow is the Japanese traditional bow which made form 100% natural materials such as bamboo, woods and so on. Kyoto bow consists of three different parts and they were glued together, so that Kyoto bow can be regarded as hybrid adhesive composite structure. The characteristics of Kyoto bow very much depend on the materials and adhesive. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the structural materials of bow on muscle activity during drawing the bow. Three kinds of bow were used in this study; 1) typical carbon bow, 2) Kyoto bows which were produced with normal bamboo, or 3) heated bamboo. The deformations of bow and muscle activities were measured during drawing the bows by using the motion capture and the electromyogram. As a result, advantage of a Kyoto bow and muscle activity during the drawing the bow were clarified.

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