Online ISSN : 2424-290X
セッションID: A221

メダカ胚における大静脈内血流の PIV 計測
名古 達二宮 尚松田 勝
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In order to examine the generation mechanism of the vertebrates, including humans, and to explore the diverging point of the genetic abnormalities, it is effective to investigate the growth of the embryo of an artificial mutant. As the embryos of Medaka or Zebrafish hatch outside of the body and their egg membrane are transparent, it is quite easy to carry out the in-vivo observation of their organs. Moreover, the development and the structure of their major organs are quite similar to those of human. Thus, the observation of the developmental abnormalities of Medaka embryos may serve as a clue to the pathologic investigaion of the genetic disease and hopefully give some insight to the effective treatment. Presently, the venous and intracardiac blood flows of Medaka embryos have been observed by a high-speed camera under microscope. The obtained images are processed and the velocity fields in the main vein and the heart are measured by PIV.

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