東北支部総会・講演会 講演論文集
Online ISSN : 2424-2713
セッションID: 509
509 窒化アルミのELIDラップ研削加工特性(機械工作・生産工学)
大森 整伊藤 伸英佐々木 哲夫大野 修平林 偉民伊藤 吾郎河西 敏雄土肥 俊郎劉 長嶺
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Aluminum nitride ceramic is of significant interest due to its excellent physical, chemical and mechanical properties. However it is difficult to achieve a mirror surface by conventional grinding method, because it tends to generate intergranular fracturing. In this study, electrolytic in-process dressing (ELID) grinding characteristics of aluminum nitride was investigated experiments, it was applied that two kind of machining methods, the one was a constant pressure ELID lap-grinding using a lap-grinding machine and the other was an in-feed ELID grinding using an ultra-precision rotary grinding machine. Roughness produced by ELID-lap grinding was better in comparison of that by the in-feed-grinding. The surface roughness obtained by ELID-lap grinding was 7.5nmRa and 85.5nmRy, and mirror surface finishing could be achieved.

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