Online ISSN : 2424-3175
セッションID: 3212
3212 ソーラー発電によるクリーンな長時間滞空型無人機の研究(利便性の向上,OS2 交通・物流システムの高速化・利便性・快適性の向上)
兒玉 拓也谷口 弘樹成岡 優Johannes Wittenberg柄沢 研治鈴木 真二
会議録・要旨集 フリー


This paper describes the development of a green solar powered long endurance UAV. A small solar plane was designed so that everyone can implement and operate by himself. As a result, the span of the solar plane is fixed to 4m, and the designed wing maximizes the endurance of the solar plane. The feasibility of this design is verified by various flight tests performed by a prototype of the solar plane. The solar cells on the main wing of the prototype are flexible amorphous cells of 4% efficiency. The results of the tests demonstrate that the method of this design can be applied to our final aircraft. Finally, the endurance of the designed solar plane were compared with each efficiency of the solar cell. It is found out that the solar plane can fly during the daytime with the solar cell having more than 10% efficiency.

© 2007 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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