Online ISSN : 2432-3470
Print ISSN : 2432-3462
ISSN-L : 2432-3462
柴田 紘希清水 紀宏
ジャーナル フリー

2022 年 36 巻 p. 1-14


The development of Comprehensive Community Sports Clubs (CCSCs) is being promoted to improve people’s sports life and revitalize local communities. However, recent studies have reported that CCSCs are facing difficulties in growth. Although numerous practical and theoretical factors affecting the growth of CCSCs have been identified, their relative impact remains unclear. Identifying the organizational factors that influence the growth of CCSCs will contribute to gaining useful insights into the development and execution of effective management strategies. Therefore, this study examined the conditions necessary for long-term survival and development of CCSCs by clarifying the organizational characteristics that define their growth. We conducted a nationwide questionnaire survey of CCSCs and analyzed data from 596 clubs. Growth was categorized into objective and subjective growth, and the relationship between growth and organizational characteristics was analyzed. The results of the study showed that “innovativeness” had a significant positive impact on objective growth. In particular, proactive engagement in new projects and activities was an important condition. Furthermore, “social change”, “citizenship/participation”, “organizational networks”, “human resource development”, “innovativeness”, and “sports expertise” had significant positive impacts on subjective growth. The establishment of a mission and its dissemination among local residents are suggested managerial conditions. The results also showed that the determinants differ with respect to the CCSC performance indicators. The practical and theoretical aspects of management that are emphasized also change depending on what is considered to be an organizational outcome. The findings point to the need for a renewed discussion on what constitutes the growth of CCSCs and how to evaluate them from policy and management perspectives. Future research should clarify the mechanisms of how the revealed organizational characteristics can promote the growth of CCSCs.

© 2023 日本体育・スポーツ経営学会