Online ISSN : 2185-5625
Print ISSN : 0917-2866
ISSN-L : 0917-2866
多田 満田中 迅近藤 壮真
ジャーナル フリー

2024 年 33 巻 1 号 p. 1_55-62


 In this report, the outline of the “CYJ Kankyo [Environment] Café” held online in 2021 and the results of the six questionnaires in the “Climate Change” series were reviewed. First, an event was held at the café under the theme of “Climate Change and COVID-19,” where participants discussed 19 keywords of interest related to climate change and COVID-19. Next, under the theme “Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” participants listened to each other's experiences based on four types of Venn diagrams regarding the relationship between keywords, the 17 goals of the SDGs, and climate change. In terms of themes related to the risks of water disasters and climate change, the keywords of interest for water disasters were similar in terms of self-help, mutual help, and public help. Participants were asked whether the keywords of “worries” and “barriers” when responding to climate change were related to “social system (S),” “economic system (E),” “culture (C),” and/or “politics (P).” They related the former to SECP, ECP, and SC, and the latter to SEP, SC, EP, CP, and P, respectively. Based on the results of the questionnaire in terms of “Points that I could deepen my understanding of” and “Points that I could sympathize with,” there were two cases that were considered to be grounded only in the provision of topics. There were four cases that were grounded in the dialog only, and one case that was grounded in both the provision of topics and dialog. Regarding empathy, all of the responses were considered to be grounded in dialog only. Through the dialog, the participants gained an ability to understand other people's point of view (i.e., “cognitive empathy”) in which they perceive things as their own.

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