Online ISSN : 1884-4928
Print ISSN : 0288-1012
ISSN-L : 0288-1012
木戸 光吉田 紀昭影向 範昭阪田 久美子松浦 牧雄佐々木 博子星野 文子大野 利子鷲見 正宏坂本 守正土田 八重子加瀬 恵津子太田 千賀子桜井 達也清水 良雄清水 ツユ子飯野 毅夫
ジャーナル フリー

1986 年 5 巻 1 号 p. 38-46


Among the drug therapy, given in dentistry, the use of analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs occupies a large share along with antibiotics.
According to a survey made by Yohkoh et al. in 1983, the consumption of analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs accounted for 27.8% of the total consumption of internal medicines, outstripping that of antibiotics which made up 23.4%.
We have investigated the kinds and shares of consumption of analgesic, analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs and anti-inflammatory enzymatic drugs according to the prescriptions issued by 17 private dental college hospitals throughout Japan between October 15th to 21st, 1984.
Of all the prescriptions, those including analgesic and analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs amounted to 48.9%. The prescriptions as written by item (each prescription) totalled 31.7% of all.
The prescriptions which included anti-inflammatory enzymatic drugs made up 9.1 %, where 84% of these anti-inflammatory enzymatic drugs were prescribed for concurrent use with antibiotics.
The drug most frequently used as an analgesic was Sedes G, followed by Aspirin preparations.
The drugs most frequently used among analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs were 2 kinds of 250 mg mefenamic acid capsules and diclofenac sodium tablets, making up as much as 38% of the total consumption during this study.
The drug most frequently used among anti-inflammatory enzyme preparations was seratio peptidase. The second most popular drug was the 30 mg tablet of lysozyme chloride preparation.
Though the development of analgesic anti-inflammatory preparations has decreased recently, the trends now show that characteristic drugs are introduced to the maket in succession.
Careful consideration, therefore, is essential to the selection of these preparation.

© 日本歯科薬物療法学会