Online ISSN : 1884-4928
Print ISSN : 0288-1012
ISSN-L : 0288-1012
曽田 忠雄野口 誠横尾 恵美子柿市 利男岸本 康三大曽根 洋三上 眞渡辺 美紀塚越 完子河内 四郎古賀 一郎廻 俊一塚本 行男杉本 明佐々木 次郎久野 吉雄道 健一出口 浩一
ジャーナル フリー

1987 年 6 巻 1 号 p. 34-44


Ofloxacin (OFLX), an oral antimicrobial agent of a new Quinolone derivative, was evaluated clinically and bacteriologically in 56 cases with oral infections such as parodontitis, pericoronitis and osteitis of the jaw. A dose level of 100 mg t.i.d. was used, and the following results were obtained.
1) The clinical efficacy rate was 78.2% according to the numerical rating on the 3rd day of treatment, and 78.6% by the judgement of the doctors in charge.
2) The efficacy rate tended to increase together with longer administration periods in cases with severe infections.
3) Side effects were observed in 2 cases (3.6%) . However, the symptoms were not serious and the drug administration could be continued in both cases. Abnormal change of laboratory findings was noted in 1 case (increase in the number of eosinocytes), but the relation with the drug was unknown.
4) A total of 58 strains were isolated from the pus of closed abscesses, of which 33 strains (56.9%) were anaerobes, indicating the important role of anaerobes in oral infections.
5) α-Streptococci was the major isolate, but Peptostreptococcus and anaerobic streptococci were also isolated at high frequencies. These 3 strains made up 56.9% of all the strains.
6) Susceptibilities of the isolates to OFLX, CPFX, ABPC, EM and CEX were examined. The antimicrobial activities of OFLX were slightly inferior to those of ABPC, but OFLX inhibited the growth of all strains without exception at a concentration of 6.25μg/ml or less.

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