Online ISSN : 1884-4928
Print ISSN : 0288-1012
ISSN-L : 0288-1012
歯科・口腔外科領域感染症に対するEnoxacin (ENX) の用量設定比較試験
佐々木 次郎坂本 春生大根 光朝原 英之榎本 昭二岩佐 俊明和気 不二夫道 健一道脇 幸博久野 吉雄佐藤 田鶴子坂井 能達柿市 利男小島 健二曽田 忠雄横尾 恵美子割田 雄司大曽根 洋塚越 完子三上 真渡辺 美紀河内 四郎古賀 一郎廻 俊一藤原 正己作田 正義菅原 利夫松本 憲三輸谷 俊夫東堤 稔坂本 雅子
ジャーナル フリー

1988 年 7 巻 3 号 p. 152-170


A double-blind, group-comparison trial was conducted in 11 institutions to compare Enoxacin (ENX) in daily doses of 300 mg (t.i.d) and 600 mg (t.i.d) in terms of efficacy, safety and utility for the treatment of oral infections such as Periodontal infection, pericoronal infection and osteitis of the jaws. A total of 296 cases are enrolled in this study, 277 cases were evaluated on the efficacy by the criteria of Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (139 for the 300 mg group and 138 for the 600 mg group) and 278 cases were evaluated on the efficacy by the attending doctors (140 for the 300 mg group and 138 for the 600 mg group) .
Results obtained were as follows :
1) According to the criteria on clinical effects, the efficacy rate was 74.8% for the 300 mg group and 79.0% for the 600 mg group. As for the evaluation by the attending doctors, it was 68.6% for the 300 mg group and 74.6% for the 600 mg group. The rating in the 600 mg group was 4 to 6% higher than that in the 300 mg group, but there was no significant difference in the efficacy evaluation between the two groups.
2) Adverse reactions were observed in 8 cases (5.6% of 143) of the 300 mg group and in 11 cases (7.6% of 144) of the 600 mg group, but no serious adverse reactions developed.
3) On clinical usefulness judged by the attending doctors, the ratio of usefulness were 68.1% for the 300 mg group and 73.9% for the 600 mg group. The rating in the 600 mg group was 6% higher than that in the 300 mg group, but there was no significant difference in clinical usefulness between the two groups.
As mentioned above, ENX is considered to be useful medication in the treatment of patients with oral infections.

© 日本歯科薬物療法学会
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