Online ISSN : 1884-4928
Print ISSN : 0288-1012
ISSN-L : 0288-1012
口腔外科領域感染症に対するT-3262 (Tosufloxacin tosilate) とCefaclor (CCL) の薬効比較試験成績
佐々木 次郎金子 明寛高井 宏池嶋 一兆椎木 一雄植松 正孝森鼻 健史富田 文貞久野 吉雄佐藤 田鶴子大嶋 恭秀道 健一吉田 広石橋 克禮浅田 洸一近内 寿勝山本 忠藤原 浩河合 幹服部 孝範神谷 祐司玉井 健三中川 清昌島田 桂吉有藤 公夫吉井 尚谷垣 信吾出口 浩一小川 暢也
ジャーナル フリー

1989 年 8 巻 1 号 p. 31-56


The clinical effectiveness, safety and usefulness of T-3262 (tosufloxacin tosilate), a new oral Quinolone antibacterial agent for the treatment of oral infections, was compared with that of Cefaclor (CCL) by a double-blind method.
The diseases covered by this study were periodontal infections, pericoronitis and osteitis of jaw. Drugs were administered for 3-7 days at doses of 150 mg t.i.d. (T-3262) and 250 mg t.i.d. (CCL) . A total of 259 cases were enrolled in the study.
Results obtained were as follows:
1) The clinical efficacy was evaluated by the doctors in charge and the numerical rating on the 3rd day of treatment in 246 cases (122 in the T-3262 group and 124 in the CCL group) .
The clinical efficacy rate according to the doctors in charge was 80.3% for the T-3262 group and 81.5% for the CCL group. The evaluation of the numerical rating was 86.9% for the T-3262 group and 85.5% for the CCL group.
There was no significant difference in clinical effectiveness between the two groups according to these two methods of clinical judgement.
2) Some side effects were observed in 3 cases (2.3% of 128) treated with T-3262 and in 5 cases (3.9% of 127) treated with CCL, but no severe symptoms were seen. Abnormal changes in laboratory findings were noted in 4.8% in the T-3262 group and 15.4% in the CCL group.
There was no significant difference in safety between the two groups.
3) In terms of clinical usefulness as well, there was no significant difference between the two groups.
From these results, it is concluded that T-3262 is as effective as CCL in the treatment of oral infections.

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