Online ISSN : 1884-4928
Print ISSN : 0288-1012
ISSN-L : 0288-1012
成田 令博朝波 惣一郎小浜 源郁佐藤 廣西嶋 克己橋本 賢二久野 吉雄雨宮 義弘佐藤 精一木戸 光
ジャーナル フリー

1990 年 9 巻 1 号 p. 49-57


Many analgesics were developed in the past, and each drug action was evaluated although definite criteria have not been established so far. The method of the criteria has been individually created and carried out by each institute.
Various condition were needed, that were generally excellent and reproductive, in order for an appropriate criteria method of drug action of analgesics to be develeped. These included comparison in the same level with othe drugs and characteristics of the drug had to be grasped without the complexity of the criteria. Although these conditions have not been filled up by convential methods, preparation for the criteria of drug action has been required and consequently in 1984 the following new criterion was established by a committee.
1. The new criterion that the three conditions (inhibition of the pain, rapid action and continuity) being required in analgesics can individually be numerically evaluated, and the evaluations are generally available.
2. This new criterion was actually attempted in several kinds of analgesics differing in properties, and concluded as a criterion method with generally excellent results.

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