Online ISSN : 1884-2755
Print ISSN : 0021-5414
ISSN-L : 0021-5414
佐久間 孝正
ジャーナル フリー

1970 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 68-86,104


The purpose of this report is to inquire into the process of completion of “objektives Möglichkeitsurteil” which is an important model example from Weber's methodological point of view by relating it to a matter of “Subjektivitat” chiefly in the dimension of epistemology.
Previously, in the study of Weber, the ground of “Objektivität” has been concentrated completely upon “Ethos”, and for that reason, most of the criticism against Weber has been also upon “Ethos”. But the stage at which Weber has sought the ground of “Objektivität” in “Ethos” is at “Die Objektivität' sozialwissenschaftlicher and sozialpolitischer Erkenntnis”, and the lead for study in positivism is this “objektives Möglichkeitsurteil”. Therefore, the matter of Weber's “Objektivität” has to be investigated by relating it to “objektivees Möglichkeitsurteil” which aims at the elucidation of “Kausalen Zusammenhänge”.
In that case, as Weber methodologically favored formation of the “Subjekt”, “objektives Möglichkeitsurteil” has been strictly limited to elucidate Kausalzurechnung.
But it is probably quite limited to adjust empirical objects with “Kausalzurechnung”. It has some connection with this “imputative” conception that Weber has grasped a capitalistic society merely fragmentarity.
But it is one of the characteristics of methodology in moden sociology to elucidate a social phenomenon by inquiring into “Kausalzusammenhänge”.
Therefore, in this report in the course of pointing out the limit included in Weber's “imputative” conception, I would also like to confirm the methodological limit of modern sociology.

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