研究 技術 計画
Online ISSN : 2432-7123
Print ISSN : 0914-7020
見えない次元 : イノベーションの新しいパラダイム(<特集>製品開発マネジメントの新潮流)
楠木 建
ジャーナル フリー

2004 年 18 巻 3_4 号 p. 127-148


Innovations may be categorized according to the visibility of the dimensions of values they provide. Innovations have been conventionally understood as progressive processes along a few, objectively defined dimensions of values. Competition there meant how to go faster than rivals along those dimensions. While this concept of the innovation is effective as long as much room for such progress exists, it will eventually reach a technological or cognitive limit, and then innovative products turn to commodities. In order to gain and sustain competitive advantage, a new understanding of the innovation on an invisible dimension is needed. The paper presents a conceptual framework for examining a new paradigm for the innovation along an invisible dimensions.

2004 研究イノベーション学会
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