研究 技術 計画
Online ISSN : 2432-7123
Print ISSN : 0914-7020
産業と技術と科学 : 創造性の観点からの一考察(<特集>科学技術と人間の創造性)
乾 侑
ジャーナル フリー

1991 年 5 巻 2 号 p. 120-139


It is often argued that Japan has been taking a free ride on foreign basic research. As a result, Japan has entered into new phase of "brain friction" in its relations with the United States. Therefore, we must make clear the mutual relations between science, technology and industry, and understand differences between Japan and the United States.Regarding Japan's low level of contributions to basic research which is often criticized, we must consider problems of creativity in science and technology, and elucidate important conditions to raising the level of creativity in the curriculum. Above all, various socio-cultural factors, such as the importance of image (or aesthetic sense) and concept formation, must be recognized.Present day Japan is often compared to the United States in the 1920-1930's. In those days, large quantities of products, based on the results of European basic science, poured into the European market, and the United States was severely criticized. Japan needs to learn historical lessons from the situation of the United States in that age.

1991 研究イノベーション学会
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