Online ISSN : 2435-7669
Print ISSN : 2188-3521
ISSN-L : 2188-3521
小川 史
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2023 年 59 巻 p. 15-28


  A new constitution was enacted during the occupation period in Japan to advance the democratization. To popularize the Constitution, Kenpo Fukyu Kai was founded, an organization that used various media to facilitate the understanding of constitutional ideals. Therefore, they used theater as one of the means of spreading awareness of the Constitution.

  At that time, all scripts had to be censored. Most scripts were missing; however, some scripts censored in the Kyushu area were included in the Theater Museum collection. Moreover, a group of scripts was associated with the organization. Therefore, this study aimed to clarify the characteristics of these scripts.

  The traces of struggles to connect constitutional ideas and articles with specific daily life situations were found in these manuscripts; hence, making people understand the Constitution was difficult. In particular, there was a strong interest in choosing the newly established House of Councilors and women’s rights. The results show how people were aware of the Constitution at that time. Plays about the Constitution are still performed even today, featuring their pioneering forms.

© 2023 日本社会教育学会
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