Online ISSN : 2758-9390
Print ISSN : 1880-5582
白 皓
ジャーナル フリー

2020 年 17 巻 p. 45-55


Few studies have explored the problems of grown-up Chinese newcomers, who came to Japan in the 1990s. The purpose of this study is to explore the problems faced by the second-generation of Chinese newcomers from childhood to adulthood. The participants are two second generations who have grown-up as they were children who had weak connections with Chinese overseas communities while growing up in Japanese society. Participants were interviewed about what kind of experiences they had in life, and what kind of things they worried about. After the interviews, the narratives obtained from the participants were analyzed with a focus on thematic analysis. As a result, one participant had a parent-child conflict over the future image of the second- generation. The other participant felt shortage in academic and communication ability caused by the experience of transferring to a school in Japan as well as the experience of inconsistency in communication with club activity members. Also, the common worries of the two participants were name and expression of origin. In this study, these worries of the second-generation were discussed in terms of (1) The future image of second-generation in highly educated families, (2) Length of time in Japanese as second language classes, and (3) Assimilation and Naturalization with Japanese society due to racial discourse. Further second-generation research requires a deeper look into the reasons behind generational conflicts, an increase in scale of research, and analysis of discourse and institutional issues in Japanese local context from the 1990s to the present.

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