Online ISSN : 2424-2608
Print ISSN : 0911-0232
臨調行革と社会福祉 : 「小さな政府」論の批判的検討を通じて(社会福祉政策の本質)
都丸 泰助
ジャーナル フリー

1983 年 24 巻 1 号 p. 1-21


1. The report of the Ad Hoc Commission on Administrative Reforms aims at the realization of the cheap government. This is proved by the fact that the first report of the Council claimed "realizing the simple and efficient administration" by "utilizing the civil creative vitality in the liberal economic society" and "personnel cut and curtailment of expenditure through the reduction of governmental affairs" and so forth. 2. Of course the cheap government theory was originally declared by Adam Smith as a slogan representing the burgeoisie's interest when the capitalism was in the state of youth. According to A. Smith, it was the best political economy for a government not to intervene in economic life of citizen, not to prohibit anything, not to protect anything, and not to encourage anything, and the poiicy would consequently bring the society with the system of natural liberty. He found the basic source of economic progress in the striving of individuals to improve their economic status or their rank in society. 3. But during the twentieth century, as the capitalism grew from the monopolistic capitalism to the national monopolistic capitalism, and as "the administrative states" were formed, the cheap government theory gradually lost its raison d'etre. And the man who put spurs to this tendency was J. M. Keynes. 4. Confronting the big panic 1929, Keynes thought that laissezfaire could not resolve the serious unemployment problem, and insisted that the government should create the employment chances through the inflation policy. This policy was, as it were, a large government theory, and has been accepted by many governments all over the world. 5. In spite of this overall intervention in the economic processes of government, the contemporary capitalism fell in crisis again and again, particularly along with the rise of stagflation. Under these circumstances the cheap government theory, which was considered to have died out long ago, now revived in the disguise of "monetarism" or "supply-side economics". 6. However, this "new economics" is now facing various difficulties in the United States and the Great Britain, and especially in Chile it has almost gone bankrupt.

© 1983 一般社団法人 日本社会福祉学会