In vitro effects of surfactants in common use as detergents and related compounds were investigated on the erythrocyte membrane and respiratory activity of rat liver mitochondria.
The hemolytic activity of main surfactants tested was in the following order with the EC50 values less than 10mg·l-1 ; Neopelex F-25 (LAS), Spark (α-SF), Flake marseille (soap), LipolanPB-800 (AOS), standard soap (JIS K 3303) and SDS. There was weak hemolytic activity from the effect of Emulgen 108 (POEAE) and Emal 20C (AES). On the other hand, the mitochondrial respiration inhibiting activity (IC50) was strong in Flake marseille (5.5mg·l-1) and standard soap (6.8mg·l-1) and follwed by Emulgen 108 (26.0mg·l-1), Emal 20C (32.5mg·l-1), SDS (38mg·l-1), Neopelex F-25 (41.0mg·l-1), Spark (46.0mg·l-1) and Lipolan PB (>50.0mg·l-1). The regression equation between the EC50 (Y) and IC50 (X) values was Y=-0.1198X+2.345, the coeficient of correlation r=-0.0855, indicating little correlation between them. Present data certified the hemolysis inducing and respiration inhibiting effects of surfactants on erythrocytes and mitochondria. These suggest that this system is applicable as a convenient technique to assess the toxicity of environmental contaminants.