Online ISSN : 1881-1000
Print ISSN : 0022-815X
ISSN-L : 0022-815X
中島 浩二大久保 正道尾上 史郎
ジャーナル フリー

1964 年 18 巻 6 号 p. 228-234


Ca Lignosulfonates (LSCa) prepared from red pine and from mixed deciduous woods were chlorinated with chlorine.
The problem of isolation of chlorinated Ca lignosulfonate (ClLSCa) was investigated. Cl red pine LSCa was isolated in a high yield of 85-90% satisfactorily, by the use of weakly basic anion exchange resin (Amberlite IR-45). ClLSCa from deciduous wood was isolated in the yield of about 70%.
Properties of the isolated ClLSCa were investigated and following results were obtained for red pine LSCa.
When 17% chlorine was consumed (on the basis of LSCa), the product contained 4.65%Cl (0.5 Cl/C9), 8.25% OCH3 (0.8 OCH3/C9) and a considerable amount of the guaiacyl group was remained unchanged. Amount of weakly acidic group increased and a part of sulfonic acid group was splitt off.
When 80% Cl was consumed, the product contained 15.9% Cl (1.2Cl/C9), 2.8% S (0.25S/C9) and 1.2% OCH3 (0.1 OCH3/C9). Most guaiacyl group changed to chlorocatechol type or it's quinon type structure. Weakly acidic group increased to 4 times as much as LSCa contain.
When 100% chlorine was consumed, the product contained 18.4% Cl (1.7 Cl/C9) which was the maximum chlorine content. Longer chlorination caused the decomposition of ClLSCa.
It was assumed that the structural changes of LSCa from deciduous wood differed from that of red pine LSCa.

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