Online ISSN : 1881-1000
Print ISSN : 0022-815X
ISSN-L : 0022-815X
過酸化水素のアルカリ溶液を蒸解薬液とするパルプ (PAP) の研究-第5報
御田 昭雄柏原 進浅見 明彦河村 英司
ジャーナル フリー

1985 年 39 巻 6 号 p. 585-593


Studies were carried out on the preparation of several kinds of pulps from Mitsumata (Edgeworthia chrysantha LINDL) by hydrogen peroxide-alkali (PA) process and other conventional processes (for example AP process).
The cooking liquor of PA process was a mixture of hydrogen-peroxide or sodium carbonate hydrogen peroxide (PC) as peroxide, sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate as alkali (as H2O2 3%, and Na2O about 5% based on dry matter), and small quantities of auxiliaries (chelating agents for example DTPA 0.3%, anthraquinone and alkylanthraquinones for example amylanthraquinone 1%), the liquor ratio of the mixture to Mitsumata being 10 l/kg.
Unbleached Hydrogen peroxide alkaline pulp (UPAP total yield of 67.2%, rejects 3.1%, kappa no. of 20.2 and brightness Hunter of 43.8%) was easily obtained from Mitsumata after cooking for 1-2 hours at about 150°C.
The UPAP has breaking length of 9.0 km, burst factor of 6.9, tear factor 208, folding endurance of 2, 100 at drainage time 50 sec. UPAP (total yield of 64.8%, rejects 0.7%, kappa no. of 22.5, brightness by Hunter of 42.2%) could be bleached to brightness by Hunter of 69.6% by one stage bleaching with hydrogen peroxide 4% based on dry pulp.

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