Online ISSN : 1881-1000
Print ISSN : 0022-815X
ISSN-L : 0022-815X
小林 紀之
ジャーナル フリー

1995 年 49 巻 8 号 p. 1196-1216


In the year 2010, an industrial round wood consumption in the Asian region is estimated at 560 million m3 with its share of 21% in the worldwide industrial round wood consumption. Due to its sizable consumption, a shortage of supply is anticipated to occur for the first time in Asia in 2010.
A majority of the forest resources in Asia is located in the tropical forests of the Southeast Asian region, having an 18% share in the total tropical forests in the world.
A deforestation rate in the Tropical Asian and Pacific region is 1.2% per annum, the highest as compared with other areas. Planned conservation and sustainable management of the tropical forests in this region can be an important issue in view of the global environmental preservation.
This report covers the following three items :
Firstly, analyses are made on, (1) the present and future forest resources in the Tropical Asian and Pacific region, and (2) the trend of wood consumption in Asia with a forecast of the year 2010.
Secondly, together with an introduction of contemporary scholastic theories, an analysis in made on the present situation of the forest management and the wood industry in Southeast Asian countries.
Thirdly, the forestry policy and the wood industry of three countries, Indonesia, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea, are introduced, with which Japan has close forestry and wood business relations.

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