Online ISSN : 2436-6617
Print ISSN : 1346-2334
荒川 泰昭原田 千里村田 純子平野 裕司伊倉 宏一中島 晴信大森 佐与子武内 孝之中野 幸廣和田 攻
ジャーナル フリー

1996 年 13 巻 p. 23-26


Zinc deficiency induced several brain lesions such as disturbances and defects of memory, learning and olfactory acuity. In this study, the relationship between these zinc deficiency-induced brain lesions and movement of trace elements in the brain was examined.

Zinc deficiency induced significant accumulations of iron and aluminum into the hippocampus. Further, aluminum-dust exposure through the nasal mucous membrane under the manifestation of zinc deficiency induced an extreme depletion of iron and an excessive accumulation in the hippocampus. These phenomena were similarly observed in the olfactory bulb.

These results showed that zinc deficiency might induce a breakdown of defense systems against aluminum invation with the development of olfactory lesion. Consequently, aluminum might be easily transported to the hippocampus through the olfactory systems such as the nasal mucous membrane and olfactory bulb. Further, these results suggest that there is a competitive reaction between iron and aluminum and that this competition includes a participation of binding substances of iron or aluminum such as transferrin and ferritin.

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