Online ISSN : 2436-6617
Print ISSN : 1346-2334
海洋深層水から精製した海水由来の新素材 -トレハロース/ミネラル複合体の血漿マグネシウム回復および血糖低下作用-
隅田 有公子矢吹 朋美合田 一二三渡邊 慶子義基 帯刀島田 郁子川村 美笑子
ジャーナル フリー

2008 年 25 巻 p. 114-121


It has been about ten years since drinking water was developed originally from Deep-Sea Water which was made for the first time in the world. However, different methods of making drinking water from clean and rich in minerals Deep-Sea Water that is very valuable for use cause to make water including different mineral composition and relations to health for each. The authors succeeded development of refining sea water from Deep-Sea Water using trehalose firstly in the world, which was made from Muroto Deep-Sea Water with the original method. This study are reported about the use of trehalose/refining sea water from Deep-Sea Water complex as follows ; 1) response of magnesium readministration and effect on blood glucose level to animal and human 2) the possibility of application to food for individuals with mastication and swallowing difficulty, which is demanding better food in clinical business.

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