2012 Volume 32 Issue 127 Pages 28-33
In the field of astronomy, particle simulations are often performed. We once have made a tool for visualizing particle data and used it to make movies for educational purpose and public outreach. With recent developments on computing, larger and larger numbers of particles are used in simulations. Thus, we have now developing a new application “Zindaiji3” to visualize particle data with large number. Our purpose is to develop a tool which is fast and can handle as large number of particles as possible with a single PC. By fully revising the algorithms, “Zindaiji3” can now make movies from date with up to 10-100 million particles. We introduce new features of “Zindaiji3” and discuss how much particles can be handled in a single PC in the aspect of memory limit and rendering speed. In an ideal case, “Zindaij3” can handle up to billion particles. PC clusters would be necessary to handler larger data.