Online ISSN : 1884-037X
Print ISSN : 0916-4731
ISSN-L : 0916-4731
大嶋 俊一北條 春夫
ジャーナル フリー

2000 年 20 巻 1Supplement 号 p. 461-464


In this paper, the real-time 2-D sound field measurement system is introduced, which is used for the visualization of location of sound source by means of acoustic holography. The real-time system allows the temporal- and spatial- varying sound field to be grasped. The examples of the sound field localization of moving source and incoherent field are shown. The 3-D precise image of sound field can be provided by the visualizations of sound field at various positions to the target, and such a measurement can be achieved only by the realtime system. Two methods called the zooming method, and the ray tracing method, are proposed and realized experimentally. In addition, the handy 2-D microphone array, which can be moved easily, is constructed, and tested in the complex sound field in which reflection and diffraction occur.

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