Online ISSN : 1883-7182
ISSN-L : 1883-7182
サイクロトン真空試験 III
植村 吉明片瀬 彬富士田 浩一柳父 琢治山下 佐明池上 栄胤小亀 淳石割 隆太郎清水 栄久寿米木 朝雄三宅 弘三隅部 功竹腰 秀邦
ジャーナル フリー

1956 年 7 巻 1 号 p. 229-240


The cyclotron framed with many equipments has been inspected already and vacuum leakage test was tried for the first time with both the propane and the helium gas detectors for a month.
After seventeen leaks detected were treated eight times, the final chamber pressure became 1.1×10-5mmHg and the total quantity of liberated gas was 1.0×10-3mmHg·1· sec-1 by the air scale of the ionization gauge.
This amount of librated gas per cm2 per sec, was less than that of gas evolved from copper parts only, about which measurement had been done before assembling and the spectra fron Geissler discharge tube shew a nitrogen band only.
Analysing this work, we found followings;
a) the total quantity of leaked air was expressed by a negative exponential curve against the times of repair, b) the detected leakage being compared with the standard capillary leak of glass, a leakage value estimated with the propane gassingle ionization gauge system was about one third of the one estimated with the helium gas-spectrometer system.

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