Online ISSN : 1880-9413
Print ISSN : 0559-8516
ISSN-L : 0559-8516
Catalytic Reactivity of a Transition Metal (Pt, Pd, Ni and Cu) Atom on Cyclohexane Dehydrogenation
Muneyuki TSUDAWilson Agerico DIÑOHiroshi NAKANISHIHideaki KASAI
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2004 Volume 47 Issue 3 Pages 155-158


We investigate and discuss the catalytic reactivity of a transition metal M (M : Pt, Pd, Ni and Cu) atom on cyclohexane dehydrogenation by performing total energy calculations, based on the density functional theory. Total atomic charge investigation along the reaction path shows that in breaking a C-H bond of the cyclohexane, the σdonation dominates for a Pd and Cu atom as compared with a Pt atom, and the π back-donation dominates for a Ni atom as compared with a Pt atom. Our results indicate that the excess charge transfer causes more energy required for breaking the C-H bond of the cyclohexane with a Pd, Ni and Cu atom.

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